These Are Some Of The Foods You Can Eat To Have A Healthy Heart

Published on 09/23/2020

We could choose several foods to include in our diet if we had ever thought of fighting heart diseases. The first that would pop to our mind would be fruits and vegetables. And while it was confirmed that these were healthy options, there were many other foods we could select. In this article, we decided to compile a list of fantastic food that would help us start our health journey.


Chickpeas were known to be small but what most people didn’t know was that these were packed with cardiovascular nutrition. Chickpeas were full of fiber and potassium. Not only that but chickpeas were also loaded with vitamins that could aid in lowering our cholesterol levels. In effect, it would also reduce the risk of heart disease.




We have brought some good news for our coffee fan readers. The bitter beverage could do a lot of things right for our hearts. Moderate consumption of coffee would help in decreasing the risk of coronary heart disease, heart failure, and also stroke. We highly recommend taking a quick trip to your favorite coffee shop.




Aside from being delicious, cranberries were also loaded with different kinds of antioxidants and nutrients. We would not bother including cranberries in our list if it did not help prevent heart disease. Aside from being good for the heart, the fruit was also known to lower the risk of UTI, gum disease, stomach ulcers, and cancer.




Figs were underrated, and there were only some people who loved figs. But what most of us did not know was that figs were one of the best sources of nutrition to protect our hearts. The sweet fruit was packed with calcium and fiber and could also reverse the effects of heart disease.



Flax Seeds

People who did not like eating fish or nuts but still need a source of omega-3 fatty acids should consider flax seeds. These seeds were usually used as toppings and were packed with lots of antioxidants, estrogen, and other nutrition that would boost our health and promote the protection of our hearts.

Flax Seeds

Flax Seeds

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Most people considered Californication as a legendary album, but we would like to switch the focus on the real red hot chili peppers. Because of the capsaicin present in these peppers, it was deemed to help lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It was indeed fantastic news for our hearts, but we would like to advise you not to eat it whole.

Chilli Pepper

Chili Pepper


We have once again brought terrific news for those who loved ginger. Many people loved adding ginger to their foods to liven up the meals, and it was discovered that regular consumption of this wonderful-smelling spice would help to decrease the risk of heart diseases such as blood pressure and coronary heart disease.




Most people were not aware that grapefruit was packed with choline, fiber, lycopene, and potassium. All of these would be a great way to keep our hearts’ health in check. Consumption of grapefruits was also included in the DASH diet, which was a nutritional pattern to lower blood pressure.



Green Tea

Green tea was known to be a refreshing beverage that was perfect in quenching our thirst. It was loaded with antioxidants that would help in the prevention of arterial plaque buildup. Green tea was also known to help in decreasing LL, cholesterol, and triglycerides. Consumption of green tea would be an excellent way to promote our hearts’ health.

Green Tea

Green Tea

Kidney Beans

The next one in our list was loaded with folate, magnesium, and protein that was also low in fat but high in fiber. Kidney beans would help to lower down homocysteine levels and reduce our risks for heart diseases, stroke, and even cancer. We highly recommend everyone to start including these to soups and stews.

Kidney Beans

Kidney Beans


It would be safe to say that everyone loved oranges because it was a delicious way to quench our thirst. However, most people were not aware that the fruit could help absorb the cholesterol in our food. The fruit was loaded with vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and nutrients that could help flush out sodium in our system. Consumption of the fruit would also lower blood pressure and neutralize unhealthy proteins.




Kale was a member of the cabbage family and what most people didn’t know was that it was indeed good for our health. Kale was rich in nutrients that would reassure the health of our cardiovascular system and fight coronary diseases. Kale was filled with omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber. It would be a fantastic addition to our meals because it was low in fat and calories.




Garlic was known to fend off vampires, but we would like to inform everyone that it could decrease the plaque levels in arteries. Garlic was also known to lower blood pressure and bring down blood vessel-constricting enzymes. For those who did not like the taste of garlic should consume it as a pill.



Red Wine

Consumption of red wine might be considered a type of vice, which is why we decided to share a fantastic trivia to all the wine lovers. As long as it was taken in moderation, drinking red wine was known to boost our HDL levels and prevent cholesterol buildup. It was also loaded with antioxidants that help in the prevention of harmful blood clots.

Red Wine

Red Wine


There would be few people who would not appreciate chocolates, and it was discovered that it was acceptable to indulge every once in a while. Chocolates have the power to make us feel better instantly and also lowers our risk of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. There was a Harvard study that mentioned how regular consumption of cocoa led to better blood pressure and no hypertension.




Not everyone was aware of the power of lentils in doing wonders to the dish we were cooking. However, we would like to focus on the benefits of consuming lentils. Aside from the fact that it was one of the best sources of potassium, protein, and magnesium, it also decreased the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and strokes. It also lowered blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and risk of plaque buildup.




We were all aware of how delicious almonds were, and we could eat them on its own or include them in other products. Almonds were known to increase and boost cognitive functions, fight heart diseases, and lower cholesterol. Almonds were also rich in plant sterols that were known to help in preventing the absorption of LDL.




It would not be a bad idea to include pomegranates in smoothies, salads, and shakes and for those who were curious about why it was because they were rich in antioxidants. The antioxidants would help protect our arteries against plaque oxidation and combat heart disease. It was discovered that pomegranates helped to prevent Alzheimer’s, diabetes, prostate cancer, and stroke. It would also do wonders for our teeth, skin, and joints.




Not only were blueberries delicious, but it was also filled with antioxidants and nutrients. Three servings of blueberries per week would do wonders for our health. Blueberries were known to prevent cholesterol buildup, lower blood pressure, and prevent arterial plaque buildup. Aside from the ones mentioned, blueberries also helped to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.




The purple superstars, more commonly known as beets, were used in many cuisines all over the world. The popular root vegetable could easily be added to our diet. It contained high levels of antioxidants and minerals. Beets would help in decreasing homocysteine levels, lower the risk for cardiovascular disease, strengthen various organs, and even prevent cancer.




Salmon was nicknamed as ‘the chicken of the sea’, and it was rich with omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon would be an excellent source of high-quality protein and was also loaded with other nutrients that would help to lower triglyceride levels, loosen up blood vessels, prevent clotting of blood, and fight against heart diseases.




Turmeric was commonly used in Asian food and was the main spice in curry. It was recently discovered that turmeric contained the active compound curcumin that would help block heart enlargement. Other benefits of consuming turmeric were that it helped to prevent obesity, high blood pressure, and dysfunctional blood vessels. Turmeric was also effective in lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases.



Chia Seeds

Chia seeds were famous for being a perfect topping for smoothies. What most didn’t know was that chia seeds were an excellent source of antioxidants, fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. Chia seeds would also help to lower cholesterol levels, decrease the risk of various diseases, and maintain our heart’s health.

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds


We all knew the adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and it might be right. Apples were loaded with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that would lower our risk for heart disease. Consumption of apples would also help to lower blood pressure. Apples came in various options, and we could sort them by flavor, color, or benefit.




Avocados were so popular that there were multiple stores dedicated to selling the fruit. One of the reasons was the health benefits that came with the consumption of avocados. The fruit was full of potassium, antioxidants, and monounsaturated fats that would help in lowering cholesterol, improve our heart’s health, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.




We all knew how delicious eggplants were but what most of us did not know was that they were packed with vitamins, nasunin, antioxidants, minerals, and flavonoids. The purple vegetables were known to help improve blood circulation, decrease cholesterol levels, prevent blood clots, and lower the risk for heart disease.




Most people were not fond of broccoli, but they might change their mind once they found out that consumption of broccoli could do wonders for our hearts’ health. The vegetable could help lower cholesterol levels and strengthen the blood vessels. It was rich in sulforaphane that had anti-inflammatory properties to help prevent blood sugar-related chronic issues.




We all knew that carrots helped to improve vision but what surprised us was that carrots were also deemed to be one of the excellent heart-healthy vegetables. Consuming carrots would help to fight against free radicals and heart disease. The vegetable was also full of vitamins and nutrients that would help fight cancer, improve bone and cardiovascular health.




We love chicken, especially on how versatile it could be. It could be prepared in many ways, such as roasting, broiling, grilling, poaching, and a whole lot more. The lean meat had lower saturated fat and cholesterol levels as compared to red meat. It was the reason health fanatics preferred to have chicken as a source of protein.




We should not feel intimidated by how the fruit looked on the outside. Inside the fuzzy shell was a fruit that was rich in vitamins. Kiwis were an excellent source of potassium, polyphenols, copper, and magnesium that helped prevent clotting of blood, maintain our hearts’ health and protect our cardiovascular system.




Lentils were considered as legumes that were cousins to beans, chickpeas, soybeans, and peanuts. Lentils were rich in minerals and vitamins and contained more potassium than bananas. It was an excellent source of protein and energy and could be included in almost any dish. Similar to grapefruit, lentils were also included in the DASH diet.




For those who would like to eat fish other than salmon and tuna, mackerel would be the next best thing. It was because the fish would go well in salads and other dishes. Mackerel was also rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids that would aid in lowering the risk of cancer and heart diseases.




Most of us loved munching on cashews which is why it was a great piece of news to find out that it made its way on the list. It was such a relief to hear that cashews were full of monounsaturated fats that helped to lower LDL cholesterol levels while also increasing HDL levels. Cashews also had antioxidants that prevent cellular damage.




Oatmeal could be considered a breakfast staple and would be a great way to start the day. Not only was it versatile and tasty, but it was also loaded with various minerals and nutrients. Oatmeal was high in fiber and had a low glycemic index that could help in losing weight and controlling diabetes. Oatmeal also cleared arteries that would help in heart health promotion.




It was disheartening how underrated beans were because all beans, in general, should be included in the list. The tiny superstars were low in fat but rich in protein and fiber, and they also have several phytochemicals that were excellent in preventing heart diseases. There was also enough evidence to prove that it could help maintain a healthy gut.




The bell-shaped pears had been enjoyed since ancient times and were known to be mild and sweet that had a fibrous center. Like apples, the fruits were also rich in antioxidants, nutrients, and fiber. It meant that pears could decrease the risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure and cholesterol.




Many people would agree that asparagus was delicious, but not everyone knew that it was rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. Asparagus also promoted digestive health, increased insulin levels, aid against various diseases, and decreased the risk of high blood pressure. It also helped in weight loss because it was low in calories.




Quinoa had recently gained popularity and was known to be a nutritious grain. They were right, and it had almost twice the amount of fiber as compared to other grains. It was also rich in minerals, antioxidants, and essential amino acids. It was known to aid in weight loss, improve blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and promote our hearts’ health.




The creators of Popeye would surely agree that spinach should be included in the list. The leafy vegetable was an excellent source of vitamin K that would incredibly help in the prevention of blood clots and development of bones. Spinach was also rich in potassium, fiber, folate, and lutein that helped maintain cardiovascular health.




Strawberries would go well in any dish, and the red fruits would surely satisfy any sweet tooth and health freak. The fruits were loaded in minerals, nutrients, and vitamin C. Strawberries were low in calories that would help in burning fat. It was discovered that the fruits could loosen up arteries and prevent plaque buildup in the heart.



Sweet Potato

The sweet potato was a large, starchy, sweet-tasting root vegetable. It was starting to gain popularity in the culinary industry. It was an excellent source of potassium that would aid in the reduction of blood pressure. Consumption of sweet potatoes would ensure fluid balance in our body and help regulate our heartbeat.

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato


Walnuts were regarded as the favorite snack and for those who agreed and felt the same way, we would like to announce that these snacks were rich in an omega-3 fatty acid known as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). In layman’s terms, it meant that it would help to reduce blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and promote a healthier heart.




We would be willing to bet that watermelon was the best fruit during summer. Watermelons were a great way to quench our thirst because they were made of 96% water. The fruits were loaded with potassium, magnesium, vitamins A, B6, and C. Consumption of watermelons would help to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.




Bananas would go well in our smoothies and breakfast bowls. Most people were not aware that the fruit was loaded with fiber, potassium, and protein that would assist when our muscles contract and nerve cells respond. People who were on diets were staying away from bananas, but the yellow fruit was perfect for weight loss. Bananas also helped in lowering blood pressure, regularize our heartbeats, and promote cardiovascular health.



Olive Oil

Olive oil was indeed a staple in salads, and it was nice to know that it was healthy. It had been mainly used in the Mediterranean diet, which was why it was not shocking that it was good for our body. Those who were hoping to reduce harmful LDL cholesterol, fight blood clots and maintain blood sugar levels should add olive oil to their meals.

Olive Oil

Olive Oil


We were not exactly sure if people had noticed this, but soy was recently taking a lot of spaces in various supermarkets. It seemed like there was a valid reason for that, and it was not because they were excellent placeholders for meat. Soy fought bad cholesterol and was rich in fiber, omega-3 fat, and protein.



Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar was known for its awful smell. However, an artist named Beyonce believed that apple cider could heal us against disease. People used the vinegar by diluted it with water and drank it before we started eating. The vinegar could help lose some weight and also lower blood pressure that could prevent illness in our hearts.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Black Beans

We had learned that black beans were good food for our heart. Every time we eat the beans, the more we can feel its effect on our body. It contained protein, fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, phytonutrients, and folate. It could mean that it could fight any illness in our hearts.

Black Beans

Black Beans

Reduced Fat Yogurt

We had learned the effects of eating healthy dairy foods. One of those foods was reduced-fat yogurt. It could help us stabilize our diet. It also helped protect us from some cancer. The yogurt could also prevent us from high blood. We should make sure that we also take care of our bodies and be calm as we could be.

Reduced Fat Yogurt

Reduced Fat Yogurt


We knew that our bodies could defend us against sickness. However, we should take care of our bodies too. One way to help ourselves become stronger was by eating cabbage. Cabbage had a lot of vitamin c, minerals, antioxidants, and many more. Plus, the cabbage could help maintain the vision of our eyes.



Brown Rice

Rice is a fundamental component and a staple in the diets of many individuals around the world. Particularly in Asia, many people depend on the land and rice to keep them satisfied. White rice is filled with more starch than brown rice thus, brown rice is healthier and better for your heart. Too much starch can affect cholesterol, switch out white rice with brown for a more nutrient-rich option.

Brown Rice

Brown Rice

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has recently been put in the spotlight for a variety of reasons and for its multitude of uses. people are slathering it on their skin, in their hair and using it for pretty much any and everything. The oil does contain lauric acid which has been proven to heighten cholesterol levels. However, it also has tons of cholesterol that is actually good for you. The key over here is to have it in moderation for maximum effects.

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil


Cauliflower is fantastic for heart health as the flowery vegetable is low in carbs but contains large amounts of fiber. Not only good for your heart but good for the ut too. The floret has the ability to maintain stomach and respiratory health all around. The great thing is it can also be incorporated in a multitude of ways.



Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit is widely popular and adored but can be sparse to get your hands on. dragon fruit is packed with nutrients, iron, polyunsaturated fatty acids, carotene, antioxidants, calcium, phytonutrients and much more. The combination of these nutrients and vitamins will not only aid your heart health but your overall immunity and vitamin intake.

Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit


Nuts and seeds are known for being great and filling snacks. Try to add pistachios into the mix for some added antioxidants, protein, and potassium. Not only do they create a great ice cream flavor but the actual nuts are good for you, and delicious too.




Mmm, the time of year where pumpkin spice lattes become a staple and you are filled with hat warm and comfortable feeling in your stomach. However, actual pumpkins contain tons of vitamins, fiber, potassium, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and phytoestrogens. The combination of these vitamins and nutrients can not only aid your heart- health but is good for cholesterol and blood pressure levels.



Tomato Sauce

Tomato sauce has become a global staple, just not in the way one might think… on pizza of course. Tomatoes are believed to be one of the many reasons Italians often have long life spans, they eat tons of tomatoes. Tomato sauce contains lycopene and low levels of LDL cholesterol. This means that it is great for your heart and your skin.

Tomato Sauce

Tomato Sauce

Brussel Sprouts

Growing up we always envisioned Brussel sprouts as the enemy when in actual fact they are pretty delicious and can be flavored in so many different tasty ways. Brussel sprouts contain iron, potassium, protein, and glucosinolates. These little balls will aid in preventing cancer, detox your body and also boost heart health overall. They can be super tasty when spiced just right.

Brussel Sprouts

Brussel Sprouts


Olives have become a tasty bar snack, a fantastic snack as well as a great companion in a salad. However, they too have a few special components such as monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. They do aid in weight loss too, however, they should not be overeaten as they are high in sodium. Moderation is important.




Cinnamon is present in lost any and every household, it is a must on a spice rack. The spice can be incorporated into almost anything and everything- morning coffee, curries, pies and so much more. Cinnamon contains manganese, fiber, and calcium. It prevents heart problems from occurring but also has been shown to regulate cholesterol and glucose levels.




Tasty, nutritious, and healthy! Edamame are so more-ish and it’s totally okay to eat a lot of them. For those who are watching their cholesterol and saturated fat intake, these are a great snack or addition to any meal. Edamame contains folate, protein, and phytosterols which are great in aiding and protecting against heart disease. These assist in the reduction of cholesterol too.



Collard Greens

It is important to note how the vegetables are prepared also makes a big difference, for example, the cleaner the better to be frank. Collar greens relates to broccoli, kale, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, bok choy, turnips and even rutabaga. These green vegetables are great for your health, low in calories and high in lutein, vitamin A as well as zeaxanthin. These greens help prevent heart issues and diabetes.

Collard Greens

Collard Greens


This one is a given. Water is important for every function in your body and mind. Water cleanses, detoxes, and allows for all functions in the body to work correctly. Hydration is important, ensuring your body receives the necessary fluids it needs will assist in mood, metabolism, brain functioning, and blood circulation.




Tuna is an incredible source of protein and it is loved across the globe. Tuna fish is ought out and bought and insane prices it is in such high demand. Tuna is known as a rather fatty-fish which is filled with essential amino acids. These amino acids allow your muscle tissue to develop and strengthen. The amino acids are fantastic for heart health and prevention against heart disease.




Raspberries are loved and adored by many, they are delicate and tasty. However, the delicate fruit is filled with fiber, vitamin C, and additional nutrients. The fruit also contains polyphenols- these are what mainly allows them to fall under the category of good for your heart. Add some raspberries into your yogurt or even into your water.



Brazil Nuts

A handful of Brazil nuts are all you need. It is amazing how many health benefits you can obtain from simply eating these little nuts. Not only are they filling, but they fight disease, are packed with nutrients and antioxidants- with a fine taste. Combine all these elements and you have yourself a tasty package of heart-protecting potency.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts

Fatty Fish

This category is open to many different options, seeing as how there are many fatty fish for you to choose out of. Don’t be put off by the word “fatty”, because there are also good kinds of fats that you body needs to operate at optimum level. Some fish that are good to eat include herring, sardines, trout, mackerel and salmon. All of these fish give you a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Fatty Fish

Fatty Fish


Tomatoes actually somewhat resemble the shape of a heart don’t they? Perhaps they are trying to tell you how good for the heart they are! Tomatoes are superb for cardiovascular health, being rich in vitamins C and A, fiber, lycopene and potassium.



Acai Berries

The classiest berry on the list, Acai have become notorious for being a foodie-fashionista food. Attractive looking, they are tasty and actually contain a lot of healthy nutrients which can help combat the fiercest of opponents, like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Acai Berries

Acai Berries


Sardines are a fab choice of fish, if you can’t quite decide. These fish come with heart-boosting nutrients, like the healthy omega-3 fatty acids that we mentioned not so long ago. It not only raises good cholesterol, but also lowers inflammation while decreasing triglyceride levels. Verdict? A cold fish that is great for your heart.



Goji Berries

Goji berries come packed with a fantastic level of vitamin inside them. Not only are they super rich in iron, Vitamin C and antioxidants, but they will also help both your body and heart to stay in good shape.

Goji Berries

Goji Berries


Stuffed with omega-3 fatty acids, seaweed also contains other minerals like zinc, magnesium, iodine, iron and potassium. Combining all of these minerals, you will see a fantastic response that will keep your heart pumping while preventing heart attack and stroke.



Black Tea

Not only is black tea tasty and comforting for a cold day, but it is also filled with tons of antioxidants that are fantastic for your heart. Regular drinking of this tea will help to lower your blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels.

Black Tea

Black Tea

Peanut Butter

We know peanut butter has a great taste, and often people believe it is bad for you on account of its high calorie count. Luckily for you, it has been revealed that peanut butter is surprisingly healthy! Not only does it have vitamins, fiber and monounsaturated fats, but it also has good fat, potassium and protein. It can also help to improve your blood pressure.

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter


Potatoes are super high in carbohydrate levels but offer significant health benefits that cannot be ignored. Having fiber, zinc, iron, potassium and other vitamins; these things all work together to improve bodily function and fix your cholesterol levels.




Perhaps you don’t hear about this one all that often, but barely offers a lot of vitamin B6, fiber and potassium. Barley is high in fiber content and can lower cholesterol levels, all while keeping your heart healthy. Be careful if you have a gluten intolerance, however.




Did you know that eating radishes are an excellent way to regulate your digestive track? These veggies are packed full of fiber and are also rich in vitamin C and potassium, something that will benefit you if you’re attempting to regulate your blood pressure.



Green Peas

Often green peas are overlooked, or completely ignored. This is a real shame, because green peas actually bring significant nutritional value to your diet. Not only are they low in calories, but they are also super high in fiber and protein. Boasting iron, vitamin A, C and K, peas can help keep your immune and cardiovascular systems in tip top shape.

Green Peas

Green Peas

Almond Butter

Almond butter is becoming increasingly popular. Not just because it tastes good, but it is also loaded with monounsaturated fats. Similarly to peanut butter, it contains many nutrients that will help with your heart’s overall health.

Almond Butter

Almond Butter


Many people try and avoid eggs due to their cholesterol content. It does raise HDL, but they are really nothing to worry about. Eggs are a great source of protein, vitamins and more! It would be a good idea to eat these regularly.

